


Build your marketing expertise through one on one coaching

We can coach various people in your business including:

  • CEO/Managing Director/Founder/Business Owner
  • Chief Revenue Officer
  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Sales Managers
  • Digital marketing team members
Flipside’s marketing coaches can contribute to various positive business outcomes and can help your business thrive and achieve its goals. Some key business outcomes that our marketing coaches can facilitate include:
  • Optimised Marketing ROI: Learn how to allocate your resources wisely, ensuring that your marketing budget is spent on initiatives that deliver the highest return on investment (ROI).
  • Increased Revenue: Learn how to attract more customers and generate increased sales, leading to higher revenue.
  • Improved Customer Acquisition: Optimise your customer acquisition strategies, identifying the most efficient and cost-effective ways to attract and convert leads into customers.
  • Enhanced Brand Awareness: A well-crafted marketing strategy can elevate your brand’s visibility and awareness in the market, making it more recognisable and memorable to the target audience; and therefore, more likely to attract prospects at the right time in their buyer’s journey.
  • Higher Customer Retention: Effective marketing goes beyond acquiring new customers; it also involves strategies to retain existing ones. Let our coaches help build loyalty and customer satisfaction.
  • Better Targeting and Segmentation: Flipside coaches can work with you to refine your target markets, enabling you to more precisely target relevant audiences and assist with market differentiation.
  • Streamlined Marketing Processes: Our coaches will help you streamline your marketing workflows, improve efficiencies and reduce unnecessary expenditure.
  • Adaptation to Market Changes: With guidance from a Flipside marketing coach, you can ensure your business stays agile and adapts to changes in the market.
  • Competitive Advantage: A well-coached marketing team can identify and leverage unique selling propositions, giving your business a competitive edge in the market.
  • Improved Communication and Messaging: Marketing coaching can enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your communication and messaging, ensuring that it resonates with your target audiences.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Your success as a business lies in the data. Our coaches can assist you in building the right reports and then interpreting the data for the most important insights.
  • Increased Confidence and Skill Development: Marketing coaching not only provides guidance but also helps individuals within the marketing team develop their skills and gain confidence in their roles.
  • Strategic Partnerships: A coach can assist in identifying and cultivating strategic partnerships that can benefit your business, expanding its reach and influence.
  • Measurable and Achievable Goals: Get help setting realistic, measurable, and achievable marketing goals, providing a roadmap for success.
Overall, marketing coaching can be a transformative investment for your business. Coaching can help you navigate the complexities of the marketing landscape and achieve positive and sustainable outcomes. 

Coaching Packages start from $1200 + GST per month.

Flipside’s coaches can work with your senior leadership team and marketing staff to provide:

  • Expert Guidance: Our marketing coaches provide expertise and guidance in developing effective marketing strategies. They will offer insights into the latest trends and best practices.
  • Personalised Advice: Our coaches will tailor advice to the specific needs and goals of your business. This personalised approach is more effective than generic marketing advice.
  • Accountability: Having a coach provides a level of accountability. You will be more likely to stay on track with your marketing efforts when you have to report to your coach.
  • Objective Perspective: Our coaches will always be honest with you. They can identify areas for improvement and provide constructive criticism without being emotionally attached to your business.
  • Skill Development: If you don’t have a strong background in marketing, our coaches can develop the right skills and knowledge in you and your team.
  • Strategic Planning: We will help you develop a strategic marketing plan that is aligned with your business objectives. We will also check-in regularly to ensure the plan is rolling out correctly.
  • Problem Solving: Our coaches have seen it all. If you have a marketing problem that seems impossible to solve then we can provide a fresh perspective.
  • Time Management: Struggling to find the time to work on your marketing? Our coaches will work with you to identify a list of priorities and ensure you delegate them effectively and are always making progress.
  • Feedback and Reflection: Reviewing your marketing results and reflecting on what is working, what isn’t working, what needs improvement will assist in fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Staying Current: The marketing landscape is constantly evolving. But luckily for you, our coaches have their finger on the pulse. We will keep you up to date with the latest trends, technologies, and tools in the marketing industry.We will also make sure you don’t get distracted by any shiny new things.
  • Confidence Building: Not sure what decision to make? Our coaches are experts in working through problems with you and building your confidence when it comes to making the right call on your marketing problems.
  • Networking Opportunities: Our coaches have extensive networks. So if we don’t know the answer or have the skills then we know who does.

Coaching Packages start from $1200 + GST per month.

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