
Growth Diagnostic

Growth Diagnostic

Finding the answers to unlock your growth potential

The Growth Diagnostic provides an assessment of your current growth systems and the ability to create leads and revenue to meet your business goals. The focus is on how you can improve lead volume and lead quality. The Diagnostic covers off on the following:

  • Brand Identity – is your brand conducive to improving your lead generation and growing your business?
  • Value proposition – Is your Value Proposition clear, concise and does it set you apart in your market?
  • The 6 Growth Pillars:
    1. Content – Is your content interesting, engaging and educational for your target market?
    2. Funnels / Automation – Are you effectively using Sales and Marketing funnels in your business and nurturing leads?
    3. Dr Test – Are you demonstrating your expertise in your Target’s market
      with problem/solution content?
    4. We Test – Is your content and marketing assets positioned correctly?
    5. Proof – Do you have systems and processes in place to regularly collect social proof from customers? And are you using it appropriately?
    6. Segments / Ideal Customers – Do you truly know the business of your
      prospects? Who are the DMs? What are the standard objections? What
      do they need to know make a purchasing decision?
  • Metrics & Insights – Do you have a system that enables you to make data- driven decisions regarding your lead generation effectiveness? Can you identify what activity is generating the most revenue and what is not?
  • Inbound Lead Generation vs. Disruptive marketing – What’s currently working and how can it be improved, do you know how well it is working and what it is currently costing you?
  • Marketing and Sales alignment – Is your sales and marketing both working towards the same goals?
  • Technical review of MarTech stack – Are you leveraging the right technology to achieve the best results for your business?
  • Assessment of current Marketing resourcing – Is your marketing function resourced appropriately?

As part of the Diagnostic, we provide you with practical recommendations and the tools to build a reliable and consistent lead generation engine for your business.

Investment is $5000 – $10000 + GST dependant on scope.

We can also customise the diagnostic to cover off on additional areas within your sales and marketing function such as:

  • Opportunities for utilising offshore staff
  • Inefficiencies in existing processes or organisational structure
  • Sales enablement

The output of the diagnostic includes

  • Diagnostic report with commentary for future focus
  • Roadmap table of priorities and draft budget for 12 months of implementation
  • De-brief session via Zoom of Diagnostic and Roadmap (2 sessions).

Want to unlock your growth potential?